Do you have a strong work ethic? Are you a team player? Would you like to give back to your community? Consider a position with the NSANYS Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 Academic Year!
At this time, all 2024-2025 positions are filled!
Thank you for your time and consideration! More details of how to apply for future positions can be found below. Please use the email below for any questions you may have. Christopher Garcia and Jillian Radesca, Nominations and Elections Chair, at [email protected]
Eligibility Any active member, as defined in Article III Section 2 of the NSANYS bylaws, may be nominated for any office. Candidates for the offices of President and First Vice President shall be chosen from those NSANYS members who shall be NSANYS members until one month before the annual convention. Candidates for the offices of Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Directors shall be chosen from those NSANYS members who shall be NSANYS members throughout ¾ of their term in office. Associate members, as defined in Article III Section 2, may be nominated for any office except President, and First and Second Vice President. Candidates must submit an application form to the committee on Nominations. The officers and directors shall be elected at the Annual Meeting.
Term of Office Officers and directors shall be elected at the Annual Meeting to serve a term of one year or until such time as succeeding officers are elected.
NSANYS Election Process The officers and directors are elected at the Annual Meeting. All elections are by ballot, except in the case where there is one candidate. As such, the election may be conducted by voice vote. Before the opening of polls, opportunities are given for nomination from the floor of the House of Delegates. The names of the persons nominated from the floor, after verification of eligibility, will be posted in the polling place and may be written on the ballot. In order to be elected, a nominee for any office must receive a majority of all votes cast. In case of a tie, a re-vote will be taken.
How to Run for Office
Two ways to run:
Pre-slate: fill out and submit an application.
Run from the floor: any applications filled out after a certain time will be considered "running from the floor." A delegate will have to nominate you. If you decide to run the day of convention, we will have extra copies of applications, and a delegate will have to nominate you.
Fill out and submit an application form to the Nominations Committee and/or Nominations & Elections Director.
Campaign for your position by talking to delegates and NSANYS members.
Have a delegate nominate you for your desired position during the House of Delegates.
Prepare a brief speech to be presented to the House of Delegates. Introduce yourself and explain why you feel you are a good candidate for office. You will be asked questions that will be given to you by the Nominations and Elections Director/Committee.
How to Nominate a Candidate Only a delegate may nominate candidates.
The Chair will open nominations for a particular position.
The nominating delegate will go to the microphone.
The President will say: “Speaker at the microphone.”
The nominating delegate then nominate the candidate running for office from the floor using the following script:
Ex: "I (state your name) nominate (candidate's name, spell the candidate's name, and the school they are from) for the position of (position the candidate is running for). (Candidate's name) has consented to serve if elected."
The Chair will respond: “I have the candidate's application and information before me and they will be placed on the ballot.”
Once all nominations for that position have been submitted, the Chair will continue onto the next position available.
Qualifications for 2024-2025
Currently enrolled in school and not graduating no sooner than December 2024.